JDocCoverage Report - 21.04.2006 22:02:51

Namemethod, %comment, %TODO@see
smallsql.database.Index2221,1%   (2355/8819)20

/* =============================================================
 * SmallSQL : a free Java DBMS library for the Java(tm) platform
 * =============================================================
 * (C) Copyright 2004-2006, by Volker Berlin.
 * Project Info:  http://www.smallsql.de/
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or 
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public 
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, 
 * USA.  
 * [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
 * in the United States and other countries.]
 * ---------------
 * Index.java
 * ---------------
 * Author: Volker Berlin
package smallsql.database;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * To index data there need to solv the follow problems
 * - change the values that need to save in the index to a value with sort order that is compatible
 *   with the index algorithmus.
 * - multiple column index need to support. There should no identical save with combinations of values.
 * - The data type for column should be const.
 * - the data need to save fast.
 * - the size of the index should be small (also with a small count of values)
 * - It should use for unique index and nor unique. The unique index can save only one rowOffset.
 *   The non unique can save multiple rowOffsets in a LongTreeList.
 * - Problem ORDER BY with Joins? There are more as one rowOffset per row.
 * Algorithmus:
 * - convert the values that the binary order is equals to the value order. We need to handle
 *   sign, floating numbers, case insensitive, different binary length (MutableNumeric).
 * - create a 256 byte large mask for the first byte.
 * - create a 256 byte large status mask
 * - create a 256 large Object array
 * @author Volker Berlin
final class Index {

	/*static public void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
		Index index = new Index(false);
		Expressions expressions = new Expressions();
		ExpressionValue value = new ExpressionValue();
		value.set( "150", SQLTokenizer.VARCHAR);
		index.addValues(1, expressions);
		value.set( "15", SQLTokenizer.VARCHAR);
		index.addValues(2, expressions);
	static void print(Index index, Expressions expressions){
		long l;
		while((l= index.getRowOffset(expressions, true)) >=0){
	private final IndexNode rootPage;
	 * Create a Index. A Index is like a sorted list.
	 * @param unique true if there are no duplicated values allow.
	Index(boolean unique){
		rootPage = new IndexNode(unique, (char)-1);
	IndexScrollStatus createScrollStatus(Expressions expressions){
		return new IndexScrollStatus(rootPage, expressions);
	 * Returns a Long (unigue) or a LongTreeList with rowOffsets. If the value in expressions
	 * does not exist then it return a null.
	 * @param expressions The value that are search in the Index.
	final Object findRows( Expressions expressions, ArrayList nodeList ) throws Exception{
		IndexNode page = rootPage;
		int count = expressions.size();
		for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
			page = findRows( page, expressions.get(i), nodeList);		
			if(page == null)
				return null;
			if(i+1 == count)
				return page.getValue();
				page = (IndexNode)page.getValue();			
		throw new Error();
	 * Returns a Long (unigue) or a LongTreeList with rowOffsets. If the value in expressions
	 * does not exist then it return a null.
	 * @param expressions The value that are search in the Index.
	final Object findRows( Expression[] expressions, ArrayList nodeList ) throws Exception{
		IndexNode page = rootPage;
		int count = expressions.length;
		for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
			page = findRows( page, expressions[i], nodeList);		
			if(page == null)
				return null;
			if(i+1 == count)
				return page.getValue();
				page = (IndexNode)page.getValue();			
		throw new Error();
	/** Return the last IndexNode for the expression */
	final private IndexNode findRows(IndexNode page, Expression expr, ArrayList nodeList) throws Exception{
				page = findNull(page);
					case SQLTokenizer.REAL:
						page = find( page, floatToBinarySortOrder( expr.getFloat()), 2, nodeList );
					case SQLTokenizer.DOUBLE:
					case SQLTokenizer.FLOAT:
						page = find( page, doubleToBinarySortOrder( expr.getDouble()), 4, nodeList );
					case SQLTokenizer.TINYINT:
						page = find( page, expr.getInt(), 1, nodeList );
					case SQLTokenizer.SMALLINT:
						page = find( page, shortToBinarySortOrder( expr.getInt()), 1, nodeList );
					case SQLTokenizer.INT:
						page = find( page, intToBinarySortOrder( expr.getInt()), 2, nodeList );
					case SQLTokenizer.BIGINT:
					case SQLTokenizer.DATE:
					case SQLTokenizer.TIME:
					case SQLTokenizer.TIMESTAMP:
					case SQLTokenizer.SMALLDATETIME:
					case SQLTokenizer.MONEY:
					case SQLTokenizer.SMALLMONEY:
						page = find( page, longToBinarySortOrder( expr.getLong()), 4, nodeList );
					case SQLTokenizer.VARCHAR:
					case SQLTokenizer.NVARCHAR:
					case SQLTokenizer.LONGVARCHAR:
					case SQLTokenizer.LONGNVARCHAR:
					case SQLTokenizer.CLOB:
						page = find( page, stringToBinarySortOrder( expr.getString(), false ), nodeList );
					case SQLTokenizer.NCHAR:
					case SQLTokenizer.CHAR:
						page = find( page, stringToBinarySortOrder( expr.getString(), true ), nodeList );
					case SQLTokenizer.VARBINARY:
					case SQLTokenizer.BINARY:
					case SQLTokenizer.LONGVARBINARY:
					case SQLTokenizer.BLOB:
					case SQLTokenizer.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER:
						page = find( page, bytesToBinarySortOrder( expr.getBytes()), nodeList );
					case SQLTokenizer.BIT:
					case SQLTokenizer.BOOLEAN:
						page = find( page, expr.getBoolean() ? 2 : 1, 1, nodeList );
					case SQLTokenizer.NUMERIC:
					case SQLTokenizer.DECIMAL:						
						page = find( page, numericToBinarySortOrder( expr.getNumeric() ), nodeList );
						//TODO weitere Datentypen
						throw new Error(String.valueOf(expr.getDataType()));
			return page;

	 * Add a value to the index.
	 * @param rowOffset Is the value that is save in the index. It is typical a row number or a rowOffset.
	 * @param expressions This is the list of ORDER BY columns and descript the position in the index.
	final void addValues( long rowOffset, Expressions expressions ) throws Exception{
		IndexNode page = this.rootPage;
		int count = expressions.size();
		for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
			Expression expr = expressions.get(i);
			boolean isLastValues = (i == count-1);
				page = addNull(page, rowOffset, isLastValues);
					case SQLTokenizer.REAL:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, floatToBinarySortOrder( expr.getFloat()), isLastValues, 2 );
					case SQLTokenizer.DOUBLE:
					case SQLTokenizer.FLOAT:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, doubleToBinarySortOrder( expr.getDouble()), isLastValues, 4 );
					case SQLTokenizer.TINYINT:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, expr.getInt(), isLastValues, 1 );
					case SQLTokenizer.SMALLINT:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, shortToBinarySortOrder( expr.getInt()), isLastValues, 1 );
					case SQLTokenizer.INT:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, intToBinarySortOrder( expr.getInt()), isLastValues, 2 );
					case SQLTokenizer.BIGINT:
					case SQLTokenizer.DATE:
					case SQLTokenizer.TIME:
					case SQLTokenizer.TIMESTAMP:
					case SQLTokenizer.SMALLDATETIME:
					case SQLTokenizer.MONEY:
					case SQLTokenizer.SMALLMONEY:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, longToBinarySortOrder( expr.getLong()), isLastValues, 4 );
					case SQLTokenizer.VARCHAR:
					case SQLTokenizer.NVARCHAR:
					case SQLTokenizer.LONGVARCHAR:
					case SQLTokenizer.LONGNVARCHAR:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, stringToBinarySortOrder( expr.getString(), false ), isLastValues );
					case SQLTokenizer.NCHAR:
					case SQLTokenizer.CHAR:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, stringToBinarySortOrder( expr.getString(), true ), isLastValues );
					case SQLTokenizer.VARBINARY:
					case SQLTokenizer.BINARY:
					case SQLTokenizer.LONGVARBINARY:
					case SQLTokenizer.BLOB:
					case SQLTokenizer.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, bytesToBinarySortOrder( expr.getBytes()), isLastValues );
					case SQLTokenizer.BIT:
					case SQLTokenizer.BOOLEAN:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, expr.getBoolean() ? 2 : 1, isLastValues, 1 );
					case SQLTokenizer.NUMERIC:
					case SQLTokenizer.DECIMAL:
						page = add( page, rowOffset, numericToBinarySortOrder( expr.getNumeric()), isLastValues );
						//TODO weitere Datentypen
						throw new Error(String.valueOf(expr.getDataType()));
	final void removeValue( long rowOffset, Expressions expressions ) throws Exception{
		ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();
		Object obj = findRows(expressions, nodeList);
			LongTreeList list = (LongTreeList)obj;
			if(list.getSize() > 0) return;
		IndexNode node = (IndexNode)nodeList.get(nodeList.size()-1);;
		for(int i = nodeList.size()-2; i >= 0; i--){
			IndexNode parent = (IndexNode)nodeList.get(i);
			parent.removeNode( node.getDigit() );
			node = parent;
	final private IndexNode findNull(IndexNode page) throws SQLException{
		return page.getChildNode( (char)0 );

	final private IndexNode addNull(IndexNode page, long rowOffset, boolean isLastValue) throws SQLException{
			page.addNode( (char)0, rowOffset );
			return null;
			return page.addRoot((char)0);

	final private IndexNode find(IndexNode node, long key, int digitCount, ArrayList nodeList) throws SQLException{
		for(int i=digitCount-1; i>=0; i--){
			char digit = (char)(key >> (i<<4));
			node = node.getChildNode(digit);
			if(node == null) return null;
			if(nodeList != null) nodeList.add(node);

			if(equals(node.getRemainderValue(), key, i)){
				return node;
		return node;
	 * The key has a binary sort order. This means the most significate byte is in the high byte.
	 * @param digitCount The count of 16Bit digits.
	final private IndexNode add(IndexNode node, long rowOffset, long key, boolean isLastValue, int digitCount) throws SQLException{
		for(int i=digitCount-1; i>=0; i--){
			char digit = (char)(key >> (i<<4));
			if(i == 0){
					node.addNode( digit, rowOffset );
					return null;
				return node.addRoot(digit);
			node = node.addNode(digit);
					node.addRemainderKey( rowOffset, key, i );
					return null;
				return node.addRootValue( key, i);
			if(equals(node.getRemainderValue(), key, i)){
					node.saveValue( rowOffset);
					return null;
				return node.addRoot();
		throw new Error();
	final private IndexNode find(IndexNode node, char[] key, ArrayList nodeList) throws SQLException{
		int length = key.length;
		int i=-1;
			// the first digit include 0-null; 1-empty; 2 another value
			char digit = (i<0) ? (length == 0 ? (char)1 : 2)
							  : (key[i]);
			node = node.getChildNode(digit);

			if(node == null) return null;
			if(nodeList != null) nodeList.add(node);
			if(++i == length){
				return node;

			if(equals(node.getRemainderValue(), key, i)){
				return node;
	 * Add a byte array to the Index.
	final private IndexNode add(IndexNode node, long rowOffset, char[] key, boolean isLast) throws SQLException{
		int length = key.length;
		int i=-1;
			// the first digit include 0-null; 1-empty; 2 another value
			char digit = (i<0) ? (length == 0 ? (char)1 : 2)
							  : (key[i]);
			if(++i == length){
					node.addNode( digit, rowOffset );
					return null;
				return node.addRoot(digit);
			node = node.addNode(digit);
					node.addRemainderKey( rowOffset, key, i );
					return null;
				return node.addRootValue( key, i );
			if(equals(node.getRemainderValue(), key, i)){
					return null;
				return node.addRoot();
	 * Remove all enties
	final void clear(){
	 * Normalize functions
	 * convert the value to a binary with identical sort order 
	 * like the orginal values. 
	final static private int floatToBinarySortOrder(float value){
		int intValue = Float.floatToIntBits(value);
		return (intValue<0) ?
			~intValue :
			intValue ^ 0x80000000;			
	final static private long doubleToBinarySortOrder(double value){
		long intValue = Double.doubleToLongBits(value);
		return (intValue<0) ?
			~intValue :
			intValue ^ 0x8000000000000000L;			
	final static private int shortToBinarySortOrder(int value){
		return value ^ 0x8000;
	final static private int intToBinarySortOrder(int value){
		return value ^ 0x80000000;
	final static private long longToBinarySortOrder(long value){
		return value ^ 0x8000000000000000L;
	final static private char[] stringToBinarySortOrder(String value, boolean needTrim){
		int length = value.length();
			while(length > 0 && value.charAt(length-1) == ' ') length--;
		char[] puffer = new char[length];
		for(int i=0; i<length; i++){
			puffer[i] = Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase( value.charAt(i) ));
		return puffer;
	final static private char[] bytesToBinarySortOrder(byte[] value){
		int length = value.length;
		char[] puffer = new char[length];
		for(int i=0; i<length; i++){
			puffer[i] = (char)(value[i] & 0xFF);
		return puffer;
	final static private char[] numericToBinarySortOrder(MutableNumeric numeric){
		int[] value = numeric.value;
		int count = 1;
		int i;
		for(i=0; i<value.length; i++){
			if(value[i] != 0){
				count = 2*(value.length - i)+1;
		char[] puffer = new char[count];
		puffer[0] = (char)count;
		for(int c=1; c<count;){
			puffer[c++] = (char)(value[i] >> 16);
			puffer[c++] = (char)value[i++];
		return puffer;
	 * Functions  for reading the index.
	private final boolean equals(char[] src1, char[] src2, int offset2){
		if(src1 == null) return false;
		int length = src1.length;
		if(length != src2.length - offset2) return false;
		for(int i=0; i<length; i++){
			if(src1[i] != src2[i+offset2]) return false;
		return true;

	private final boolean equals(char[] src1, long src2, int charCount){
		if(src1 == null) return false;
		int length = src1.length;
		if(length != charCount) return false;
		for(int i=0, d = charCount-1; i<length; i++){
			if(src1[i] != (char)((src2 >> (d-- << 4)))) return false;
		return true;