JDocCoverage Report - 21.04.2006 22:02:51

Namemethod, %comment, %TODO@see
smallsql.database.IndexNode3230,3%   (2521/5799)00

/* =============================================================
 * SmallSQL : a free Java DBMS library for the Java(tm) platform
 * =============================================================
 * (C) Copyright 2004-2006, by Volker Berlin.
 * Project Info:  http://www.smallsql.de/
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or 
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public 
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, 
 * USA.  
 * [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
 * in the United States and other countries.]
 * ---------------
 * IndexNode.java
 * ---------------
 * Author: Volker Berlin
package smallsql.database;

import java.sql.*;

 * @author Volker Berlin
class IndexNode {
	final private boolean unique;
	final private char digit; // unsigned short
	static final private IndexNode[] EMPTY_NODES = new IndexNode[0];
	 * Can be a PageIndex to the next page or a byte[] with rest data of the key.
	private IndexNode[] nodes = EMPTY_NODES;
	 * On this point of the tree there is no other value. There is only one value.
	 * That's the tree is cut here and the single value is saved. This is very large
	 * benefit if you have large strings and you can difference it with the 
	 * first characters. 
	private char[] remainderKey;

	 * Can save a Long, LongList with a rowOffset value or a IndexNode of the next root index.
	private Object value;

	 * The status array save the status of the digits. The follow table descript all valid combinations.<p><code>
	 * nodes     value         status
	 * ------------------------------------
	 * null      null          NO_ENTRY
	 * IndexNode null          NODE
	 * byte[]    Long/LongList REMAINDER_VALUE
	 * null      Long/LongList FINAL_VALUE
	 * IndexNode Long/LongList FINAL_VALUE + NODE
	 * null      IndexNode     ROOT
	 * byte[]    IndexNode     REMAINDER_VALUE + ROOT
	 * IndexNode IndexNode     NODE + ROOT
	 * </code>
	 * Create a new Node in the Index.
	 * @param unique descript if it is a unique index (primary key) or a multi value index is.
	IndexNode(boolean unique, char digit){
		this.unique = unique;
		this.digit  = digit;

	final char getDigit(){
		return digit;
	final boolean getUnique(){
		return unique;
	 * Returns the current status for the digit.
	 * @param digit The digit must be in the range 0 between 255. 
	final boolean isEmpty(){
		return nodes == EMPTY_NODES && value == null;
	final void clear(){
		nodes = EMPTY_NODES;
		value = null;
		remainderKey = null;
	final void clearValue(){
		value = null;
	 * Returns the current value for the digit.
	 * @param digit The digit must be in the range 0 between 255. 
	final Object getValue(){
		return value;
	final IndexNode[] getChildNodes(){
		return nodes;
	 * Returns the IndexNode for the node position digit.
	 * @param digit The digit must be in the range 0 between 255. 
	final IndexNode getChildNode(char digit){
		int pos = findNodePos(digit);
		if(pos >=0) return nodes[pos];
		return null;
	final char[] getRemainderValue(){
		return remainderKey;
	 * Add a node in the middle of a key value.
	 * @param digit The digit must be in the range 0 between 255. 
	final IndexNode addNode(char digit) throws SQLException{
		if(remainderKey != null) moveRemainderValue();
		int pos = findNodePos( digit );
		if(pos == -1){
			IndexNode node = new IndexNode(unique, digit);
			saveNode( node );
			return node;
			return nodes[pos];
	 * Remove a node.
	 * @param digit The digit must be in the range 0 between 255. 
	final void removeNode(char digit){
		int pos = findNodePos( digit );
		if(pos != -1){
			int length = nodes.length-1;
			IndexNode[] temp = new IndexNode[length];
			System.arraycopy(nodes, 0, temp, 0, pos);
			System.arraycopy(nodes, pos+1, temp, pos, length-pos);
			nodes = temp;
	 * Add a node on the end of a key value.
	 * @param digit The digit must be in the range 0 between 255. 
	 * @param rowOffset The value that is saved at the end of the tree.
	final void addNode(char digit, long rowOffset) throws SQLException{
		IndexNode node = addNode(digit);
		if(node.remainderKey != null) node.moveRemainderValue();
	 * Save the rowOffset on the digit position. This can be used for FINAL_VALUE or REMAINDER_VALUE.
	 * The caller need to verify that there allready exist an equals value.
	 * This means that the digit and the remainder is equals.
	 * @param digit The digit must be in the range 0 between 255. 
	 * @param rowOffset The value that is saved in the tree.
	final void saveValue(long rowOffset) throws SQLException{
			if(value != null) throw Utils.createSQLException("Duplikate Key");
			value = new Long(rowOffset);
			LongTreeList list = (LongTreeList)value;
			if(list == null){
				value = list = new LongTreeList();

	 * Add a value on a tree node end without roll out the completly tree.
	 * This reduce the size of the tree if there are large enties with a high significance.
	 * for example: 
	 * If you have large strings which are different on the on the first 3 charchters. 
	 * Then you need only a tree size of 3. 
	 * @param digit 	 The digit must be in the range 0 between 255.
	 * @param rowOffset  The result value. This is the value that is saved in the tree.
	 * @param value 	 The key value.
	 * @param digitCount The count of digits from value that need to indexing in the tree. 
	 * 					 The range is from 1 to 3;  
	final void addRemainderKey(long rowOffset, long remainderValue, int charCount) throws SQLException{
		saveRemainderValue(remainderValue, charCount);
		value = (unique) ? (Object)new Long(rowOffset) : new LongTreeList(rowOffset);
	final void addRemainderKey(long rowOffset, char[] remainderValue, int offset) throws SQLException{
		saveRemainderValue(remainderValue, offset);
		value = (unique) ? (Object)new Long(rowOffset) : new LongTreeList(rowOffset);
	 * Add a new root index on the position of digit at the end of the tree. 
	 * This is needed for multi columns index at the end of the first (not last)
	 * column key value.
	 * @param digit The digit must be in the range 0 between 255. 
	final IndexNode addRoot(char digit) throws SQLException{
		IndexNode node = addNode(digit);
		if(node.remainderKey != null) node.moveRemainderValue();
		return node.addRoot();
	final IndexNode addRootValue(char[] remainderValue, int offset) throws SQLException{
		saveRemainderValue(remainderValue, offset);
		return addRoot();
	final IndexNode addRootValue( long remainderValue, int digitCount) throws SQLException{
		saveRemainderValue(remainderValue, digitCount);
		return addRoot();
	 * Move a REMAINDER_VALUE node to the next node level.
	 * @param digit
	 * @throws SQLException
	private final void moveRemainderValue() throws SQLException{
		Object rowOffset = value;
		char[] puffer = remainderKey;
		value = null;
		remainderKey = null;
		IndexNode newNode = addNode(puffer[0]);
		if(puffer.length == 1){
			newNode.value  = rowOffset;
			newNode.moveRemainderValueSub( rowOffset, puffer);
	private final void moveRemainderValueSub( Object rowOffset, char[] remainderValue){
		int length = remainderValue.length-1;
		this.remainderKey = new char[length];
		value = rowOffset;
		System.arraycopy( remainderValue, 1, this.remainderKey, 0, length);

	private final void saveRemainderValue(char[] remainderValue, int offset){
		int length = remainderValue.length-offset;
		this.remainderKey = new char[length];
		System.arraycopy( remainderValue, offset, this.remainderKey, 0, length);
	private final void saveRemainderValue( long remainderValue, int charCount){
		this.remainderKey = new char[charCount];
		for(int i=charCount-1, d=0; i>=0; i--){
			this.remainderKey[d++] = (char)(remainderValue >> (i<<4));
	 * Return the root IndexNode for the digit. If does not exists then it create one. 
	 * @param digit
	final IndexNode addRoot() throws SQLException{
		IndexNode root = (IndexNode)value;
		if(root == null){
			value = root = new IndexNode(unique, (char)-1);
		return root;
	private final void saveNode(IndexNode node){
		int length = nodes.length;
		IndexNode[] temp = new IndexNode[length+1];
		if(length == 0){
			temp[0] = node;
			int pos = findNodeInsertPos( node.digit, 0, length);
			System.arraycopy(nodes, 0, temp, 0, pos);
			System.arraycopy(nodes, pos, temp, pos+1, length-pos);
			temp[pos] = node;
		nodes = temp;
	private final int findNodeInsertPos(char digit, int start, int end){
		if(start == end) return start;
		int mid = start + (end - start)/2;
		char nodeDigit = nodes[mid].digit;
		if(nodeDigit == digit) return mid;
		if(nodeDigit < digit){
			return findNodeInsertPos( digit, mid+1, end );
			if(start == mid) return start;
			return findNodeInsertPos( digit, start, mid );

	private final int findNodePos(char digit){
		return findNodePos(digit, 0, nodes.length);

	private final int findNodePos(char digit, int start, int end){
		if(start == nodes.length) return -1;
		int mid = start + (end - start)/2;
		char nodeDigit = nodes[mid].digit;
		if(nodeDigit == digit) return mid;
		if(nodeDigit < digit){
			return findNodePos( digit, mid+1, end );
			if(start == mid) return -1;
			return findNodePos( digit, start, mid-1 );
	void save(MemoryStream output){
		for(int i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){
			output.writeShort( nodes[i].digit );
		int length = remainderKey == null ? 0 : remainderKey.length;
		if(length>0) output.writeChars(remainderKey);
		if(value == null){
		if(value instanceof Long){
			output.writeLong( ((Long)value).longValue() );
		if(value instanceof LongTreeList){
		if(value instanceof IndexNode){
	void saveRef(MemoryStream output){
	static IndexNode loadRef(MemoryStream input){
		throw new Error();
	void load(MemoryStream input) throws SQLException{
		/*digit = (char)*/input.readShort();
		nodes = new IndexNode[input.readShort()];
		for(int i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){
			//output.writeShort( nodes[i].digit );
		int length = input.readInt();
		remainderKey = (length>0) ? input.readChars(length) : null;
		int valueType = input.readByte();
			case 0:
				value = null;
			case 1:
				value = new Long(input.readLong());
			case 2:
				value = new LongTreeList(input);
			case 3:
				value = IndexNode.loadRef(input);
			default: throw Utils.createSQLException("Error in loading Index. Index fils is corrupt. ("+valueType+")");
