* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
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* [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* in the United States and other countries.]
* ---------------
* TestJoins.java
* ---------------
* Author: Volker Berlin
package smallsql.junit;
import junit.framework.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.*;
public class TestJoins extends BasicTestCase {
private TestValue testValue;
private static final String table = "table_joins";
private static final String table2= "table_joins2";
private static final String table3= "table_joins3";
private static final TestValue[] TESTS = new TestValue[]{
a("tinyint" , new Byte( (byte)3), new Byte( (byte)4)),
a("byte" , new Byte( (byte)3), new Byte( (byte)4)),
a("smallint" , new Short( (short)3), new Short( (short)4)),
a("int" , new Integer(3), new Integer(4)),
a("bigint" , new Long(3), new Long(4)),
a("real" , new Float(3.45), new Float(4.56)),
a("float" , new Float(3.45), new Float(4.56)),
a("double" , new Double(3.45), new Double(4.56)),
a("smallmoney" , new Float(3.45), new Float(4.56)),
a("money" , new Float(3.45), new Float(4.56)),
a("money" , new Double(3.45), new Double(4.56)),
a("numeric(19,2)" , new BigDecimal("3.45"), new BigDecimal("4.56")),
a("decimal(19,2)" , new BigDecimal("3.45"), new BigDecimal("4.56")),
a("varnum(28,2)" , new BigDecimal(3.45), new BigDecimal(4.56)),
a("number(28,2)" , new BigDecimal(3.45), new BigDecimal(4.56)),
a("varchar(100)" , new String("abc"), new String("qwert")),
a("nvarchar(100)" , new String("abc"), new String("qwert")),
a("varchar2(100)" , new String("abc"), new String("qwert")),
a("nvarchar2(100)" , new String("abc"), new String("qwert")),
a("character(100)" , new String("abc"), new String("qwert")),
a("char(100)" , new String("abc"), new String("qwert")),
a("nchar(100)" , new String("abc"), new String("qwert")),
a("text" , new String("abc"), new String("qwert")),
a("ntext" , new String("abc"), new String("qwert")),
a("date" , new Date(99, 1,1), new Date(99, 2,2)),
a("time" , new Time(9, 1,1), new Time(9, 2,2)),
a("timestamp" , new Timestamp(99, 1,1,0,0,0,0), new Timestamp(99, 2,2,0,0,0,0)),
a("datetime" , new Timestamp(99, 1,1,0,0,0,0), new Timestamp(99, 2,2,0,0,0,0)),
a("smalldatetime" , new Timestamp(99, 1,1,0,0,0,0), new Timestamp(99, 2,2,0,0,0,0)),
a("binary(100)" , new byte[]{12, 45, 1}, new byte[]{12, 45, 2, 56, 89}),
a("varbinary(100)" , new byte[]{12, 45, 1}, new byte[]{12, 45, 2, 56, 89}),
a("raw(100)" , new byte[]{12, 45, 1}, new byte[]{12, 45, 2, 56, 89}),
a("long raw" , new byte[]{12, 45, 1}, new byte[]{12, 45, 2, 56, 89}),
a("longvarbinary" , new byte[]{12, 45, 1}, new byte[]{12, 45, 2, 56, 89}),
a("blob" , new byte[]{12, 45, 1}, new byte[]{12, 45, 2, 56, 89}),
a("image" , new byte[]{12, 45, 1}, new byte[]{12, 45, 2, 56, 89}),
a("boolean" , Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE),
a("bit" , Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE),
a("uniqueidentifier" , "12345678-3445-3445-3445-1234567890ab", "12345679-3445-3445-3445-1234567890ab"),
TestJoins(TestValue testValue){
this.testValue = testValue;
private void clear() throws SQLException{
Connection con = AllTests.getConnection();
Statement st = con.createStatement();
st.execute("drop table " + table);
st.execute("drop table " + table2);
st.execute("drop table " + table3);
public void tearDown() throws SQLException{
public void setUp() throws Exception{
}catch(Throwable th){}
Connection con = AllTests.getConnection();
Statement st = con.createStatement();
st.execute("create table " + table + "(a " + testValue.dataType +" PRIMARY KEY, b " + testValue.dataType + ")");
st.execute("create table " + table2+ "(c " + testValue.dataType +" PRIMARY KEY, d " + testValue.dataType + ")");
st.execute("create table " + table3+ "(c " + testValue.dataType +" PRIMARY KEY, d " + testValue.dataType + ")");
con = AllTests.getConnection();
PreparedStatement pr = con.prepareStatement("INSERT into " + table + "(a,b) Values(?,?)");
insertValues( pr );
pr = con.prepareStatement("INSERT into " + table2 + " Values(?,?)");
insertValues( pr );
private void insertValues(PreparedStatement pr ) throws Exception{
pr.setObject( 1, testValue.small);
pr.setObject( 2, testValue.large);
pr.setObject( 1, testValue.small);
pr.setObject( 2, testValue.small);
pr.setObject( 1, testValue.large);
pr.setObject( 2, testValue.large);
pr.setObject( 1, testValue.large);
pr.setObject( 2, testValue.small);
pr.setObject( 1, null);
pr.setObject( 2, testValue.small);
pr.setObject( 1, testValue.small);
pr.setObject( 2, null);
pr.setObject( 1, null);
pr.setObject( 2, null);
public void runTest() throws Exception{
Connection con = AllTests.getConnection();
Statement st = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs;
rs = st.executeQuery("Select * from " + table + " where 1 = 0");
assertFalse( "To many rows", rs.next() );
assertRowCount( 7, "Select * from " + table);
assertRowCount( 49, "Select * from " + table + ", " + table2);
assertRowCount( 0, "Select * from " + table + ", " + table3);
assertRowCount( 49, "Select * from ("+ table +"), " + table2);
assertRowCount( 49, "Select * from " + table + " Cross Join " + table2);
assertRowCount( 13, "Select * from " + table + " INNER JOIN " + table2 + " ON " + table + ".a = " + table2 + ".c");
assertRowCount( 13, "Select * from {oj " + table + " INNER JOIN " + table2 + " ON " + table + ".a = " + table2 + ".c}");
assertRowCount( 13, "Select * from " + table + " AS t1 INNER JOIN " + table2 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c");
assertRowCount( 13, "Select * from {oj " + table + " t1 INNER JOIN " + table2 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c}");
assertRowCount( 4, "Select * from " + table + " t1 INNER JOIN " + table2 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c and t1.b=t2.d");
assertRowCount( 7, "Select * from " + table + " t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table2 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c and t1.b=t2.d");
assertRowCount( 15, "Select * from " + table + " t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table2 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c");
assertRowCount( 7, "Select * from " + table + " t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table3 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c");
assertRowCount( 7, "Select * from " + table + " t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN " + table2 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c and t1.b=t2.d");
assertRowCount( 7, "Select * from " + table + " t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN " + table2 + " t2 ON false");
assertRowCount( 15, "Select * from " + table + " t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN " + table2 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c");
assertRowCount( 0, "Select * from " + table + " t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN " + table3 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c");
assertRowCount( 14, "Select * from " + table + " t1 FULL OUTER JOIN " + table2 + " t2 ON 1=0");
assertRowCount( 17, "Select * from " + table + " t1 FULL OUTER JOIN " + table2 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c");
assertRowCount( 7, "Select * from " + table + " t1 FULL OUTER JOIN " + table3 + " t2 ON t1.a = t2.c");
assertRowCount( 7, "Select * from " + table3 + " t1 FULL OUTER JOIN " + table + " t2 ON t1.c = t2.a");
assertRowCount( 5, "Select * from " + table + " INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT c FROM " + table2 + ") t1 ON " + table + ".a = t1.c");
public static Test suite() throws Exception{
TestSuite theSuite = new TestSuite("Joins");
for(int i=0; i<TESTS.length; i++){
theSuite.addTest(new TestJoins( TESTS[i] ) );
return theSuite;
public static void main(String[] argv) {
junit.swingui.TestRunner.main(new String[]{TestJoins.class.getName()});
private static TestValue a(String dataType, Object small, Object large){
TestValue value = new TestValue();
value.dataType = dataType;
value.small = small;
value.large = large;
return value;
private static class TestValue{
String dataType;
Object small;
Object large;